Goodbye January!

It’s Friday, the last day on the first month of this year full of hope. For me, 2014 is the year of starting a new life and making a long-term plan to determine the rest of my life. Three years being part of Suara USU, all of my activities are mostly based on its schedule. Right now, it’s totally different. It's hard to be a jobless and adapt to this new rhythm while still being confused of what I should do for spending my free time. 

However, everyday is always a good day. This is how my January goes: 

Best Moments:
Started a new year at Sri Mersing beach. It’s my first time camping ever!

Had a lot of quality times with Suara USU’s crews. Since a new period had just started, there aren't many jobs available yet for the juniors.

Finally gathered with my Suara USU’s best friend since last year we’re so busy with our tasks as the seniors. Let’s meet up often, Ayu, Baina, Izzah, Febri! :D

Enjoyed many ‘me times’ since I don’t have any job left at Suara USU. I would sleep for hours, watch dramas continually, or read a lot of books. Sometimes I'll go outside walking around just by myself. It’s fun to be free!

Had reunion with my old roommate Bechaque. How I miss our moments, Barbara and Nengskii! :’)

Had an exclusive fanmeeting with S4’s Jeje! with Haerinna, my craziest Korean-addict friends ever! 

Been home and gathered back with my family.

Bad Things:
Lost my glasses, the cutest and the best one. :( 

Had been lonely after Barbara moved in December. It got cancelled several times, but that time was for real.

Had been jobless after saying goodbye to Suara USU. 

Haven't written any words for my thesis yet. 

Favorite Books of Jan:
Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spineli. I love Stargirl so much!

Rectoverso by Dee. Still wondering how could she make this book so perfect!

Favorite Dramas and Movies of Jan:
Reply 1994. Can’t find any words to describe it. As good as Reply 1997!

My Rainy Days. A simple yet so touching and meaningful love story. I become a fan of Nazomi Sasaki. She’s gorgeous!

Most Disappointing Reads and Watch of Jan:
Tokyo, Falling. The story is way too typical.

The Heirs. It's very annoying! I just enjoyed some parts yet hated most of the story so much. Poor Lee Min Ho!

Favorite Songs of Jan:
Ariana Grande ft Nathan Skyes’s Almost is Never Enough

Justin Bieber’s Be Alright

Ailee's Singing Got Better

Girls Day’s Something

Best Places of Jan:
Pilastro Coffee, UncleK, Jedar House

Best Days of Jan:
January 11, 14, and 17

