Goodbye January!
It’s Friday, the last day on the first month of this year full of hope. For me, 2014 is the year of starting a new life and making a long-term plan to determine the rest of my life. Three years being part of Suara USU, all of my activities are mostly based on its schedule. Right now, it’s totally different. It's hard to be a jobless and adapt to this new rhythm while still being confused of what I should do for spending my free time. However, everyday is always a good day. This is how my January goes: Best Moments: Started a new year at Sri Mersing beach. It’s my first time camping ever! Had a lot of quality times with Suara USU’s crews. Since a new period had just started, there aren't many jobs available yet for the juniors. Finally gathered with my Suara USU’s best friend since last year we’re so busy with our tasks as the seniors. Let’s meet up often, Ayu, Baina, Izzah, Febri! :D Enjoyed many ‘me times’ since I don’t have any job left at Suara ...